Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

After pick Up my Family, Other Family leave me

Yesterday, my aunt was sent a message to me to pick up my family (My father, my Uncle and my cousin) from Balikpapan. Today, i just have one schedule, pick up my family in Hasanuddin airport at 12.00 O'Clock. 

I am start from my office at 11.12 to go to airport, but before i have to buy something to eat for them, because I know, if they use Lion Air from Balikpapan, "No eat, No Snack".

After that, I go to Hasanuddin Airport by My Pinky (my lovely motorcycle). Before 12.00, I arrive at Hasanuddin Airport. There, i call my father and ask about the position of them. My father said, still inside of Hasanuddin Airport to waiting them bag. So, I have to waiting.... 
Tadaaa.a... this is my Family.... (my uncle, my Father, my cousin)

This is My Father with Me
I meet them may be 15 minute. Because they have to continue them trip to go to Village. 20 minute waiting a private car to pick up my family, and after my family back to my village, I am back to my Office again. See you soon my father.

In the office, my other cousin send a message to me "Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun, Telah berpulang ke Rahmatullah Tante Hj. Nurhayati, sekarang kami sudah dalam perjalanan pulang dari Rumah Sakit Wahidin Sudiro Husodo menuju Sinjai untuk dikebumikan". That is make me Surprise, she is my aunt from my parents (Mother and Father) and today, she leave us forever. 

I plan to joint with the crew who bring back to my village, but i am late receive the message, they leave me. I just said "Innalillahi wa inna ilahi rajiun, Saya turut berduka cita kak, semoga Amal ibadahnya diterima disisinya dan semua keluarga diberi kesabaran dan ketabahan...Amiiin ya Rabb. maaf saya tidak ikut mengantar pulang, mobil sudah berangkat, mobil Bapak juga sudah pulang". so, i just send pray to her.

"Segala sesuatu yang ada di dunia ini tidak ada yang abadi, semua akan kembali kepada penciptanya. Entah itu hari ini ataupun besok. Persiapkanlah diri, kapanpun dan dimanapun, karena semua hanyalah titipan Allah yang bisa Dia ambil kapapun Dia kehendaki".

*maaf kalau bahasa inggrinya ancur banget... masih belajar  ^_^

Makassar, 26 Oktober 2011

Lathifah Ratih

2 komentar:

  1. turut berduka atas kepergian tante Nurhayati memenuhi panggilan Sang Khaliq, semoga Allah melapangkan jalan almarhumah menuju surga-NYA...amiin

  2. @Harianto : Amiiiiiiiin ya Rabb. Terima Kasih ucapannya... ^_^
